

Screening for Social Determinants of Health The Known and Unknown
Author Affiliations 
  • 1Northwell Health, Long Island, New York
  • 2Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra University, Long Island, New York
JAMA. Published online August 29, 2019. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.10915




 多くのSDHのスクリーニングがあるが多くが、単一のSDH、例えば、食環境が安定していないこと、親密な人からの暴力、十分ではない住環境、などについてである。子どもに対する、より包括的なスクリーニングが、これまで適応され、実践されてきている。3166人の患者を対象にしたプライマリケアにおいて行われたとある研究では、416人が十分なニーズが満たされておらず、46%が十分な医療アクセスが無く、 40%が食の不安定を訴えており、36%が水道や暖房などのインフラの支払うことに困難を感じていた。1 加えて、それらの患者は、抑うつ症状や、糖尿病や高血圧が多かった。これらにより、経済的な不安定さや医療アクセスが十分ではないことが、慢性疾患の悪化・医療費の高騰につながるという仮説が形成される。しかしながら、国レベルで十分な医療保険が整備されているカナダであっても、SDHスクリーニングでひっかかった患者は、十分な健診を受けていなかったり、慢性疾患の管理が不十分であったり、医療利用が少なかった2 これらのデータは、医療アクセスへの経済的な障害がなくなろうとも、社会的な弱者にとっては、プライマリケアや社会サービスの質が低下していることを示している。

 国の組織、民間組織、地域の大学、州組織、連邦政府に資金援助を受けている研究組織、専門職大学は、新たな方法で、患者と適切な地域資源を結び付けようとしている。これらの取り組みを進めるために、これらの組織は、臨床家の関与を必要としている。例えば、臨床家と州の組織と技術企業とNPOと患者が連携し、クラウドペースの介入を(?)行い、その結果、喘息患者の吸入を減らすことに成功した。このプログラムでは、497 人の患者 (98 子ども・ 399大人) が、自発的に、彼らの短時間作動型のβ刺激薬吸入薬の使用について、60日間遠隔モニタリングを行った。場所と吸入回数(昼・夜)と発作がない日数をモニターした。フォローアップの平均273日/患者で、34 870回の吸入が記録された。吸入がたくさん行われる地理的hot spotが記録された。トラックのルートを変えたり、木を植えたり、気候状態が危険な時にはアラートを出すことで、12か月の間で、吸入が日中は78% (from 0.76 to 0.18)減少し、夜間は 84% (from 0.29 to 0.05) 減少し、発作が無い日が48%  (from 62% to 90%) 増えた3

 このように劇的な成果を上げているプロジェクトがあるにもかかわらず、臨床の現場において包括的で普遍的なSDHスクリーニングを行うことには、賛否両論がある.4 主に2つの議論がある。1つは 誤帰属、錯誤帰属misattribution(*注:おそらく、スクリーニングをすることで浮かび上がってくる、いわゆる医療以外の問題を、医療の責任にすることを指す。このパラグラフわかりにくいので意訳しました)である。この臨床現場でのスクリーニングでうかびあがってくることの問題は、適切な住まい・食事・経済支援などであり程度もさまざまである。実施には時間も労力もかかる。主に州や政府が責任とすべき問題である。これに臨床家がとりくみことで、本来医療が行うべきことへの時間や労力が阻害されてしまっては本末転倒であろう。
 もう1つの側面は、臨床家の認識である。多くの専門職は、臨床現場におけるSDHのスクリーニングに好意的であるが、一方で多くが、その実施に障害を感じている。2019年の調査によれば、154人の医師の66%が、SDHに取り組みことに自信がないと回答している.5 医師たちはまた、時間がない (70%), SDHに取り組むための資源がない(55%), 患者が回答することを嫌がるのではないか (16%). などのSDHスクリーニングの障害を挙げている。多くの医師(94%)は、スクリーニングは ソーシャルワーカーの方がうまくできるのではないかと思っている。5 この調査は、SDHスクリーニングに一端を担っている電子カルテ入力が臨床医をイライラさせていることを報告しており、カルテにSDHスクリーニングをくわえることは、このイライラを増幅させるだけにならないかということも懸念している。.

 地域サービスのリストを持つことで、スクリーニングで必要性をみいだした患者の紹介がスムーズになり。郡の公衆衛生部門は、これらの同定に貢献できる。また多くの地域において、地域の精神専門職についての情報も利用可能であり、 Psychology Today などでWEBで公開されている。また良質な医療の質改善を求めている「Medical residents from local teaching health centers」(これなんでしょう?Teaching Health Centerは地域の生涯教育をやっているような組織?そこにいる研修医?)も、地域の患者と資源を結び付けることに役に立つだろう。加えて、WEBで使えるSDHを含めた臨床決断のツールである「CLEAR toolkit」もSDHを同定し適切な地域資源と結びつけるためにも有用である6 SDHを包括的にスクリーニングするためのリストも作られ、「 the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services」が使っている「the multideterminant Health-Related Social Needs Screening Tool」でも使用されている

Implement Co-location Care Models 共同治療モデルの実践?
 これまでにも多くの臨床医・地域の活動家・地域資源が臨床場面に統合されてきている。「 A co-location treatment model」共同治療モデル(?坪谷が作語)は、ケアの継続性をサポートし、社会サービスを使うことにスティグマ化をなくし、紹介を容易にする。
9つの州のhealth centerでおこなわれ、238 087の現場の人と、 57 490人の患者が含まれた研究では、machine learningにより、患者のSDHスクリーニングからリスク層化が行われた。リスク層化から、診療所を受診する前のSW・栄養士・心理士など他の保健専門職によるカウンセンリングの必要性が推定された。.7 これにより、診療所受診が減った(介入群62 254 vs コントロール群175 833). また適切なSWへの紹介が増えた。この研究の限界は、SDHスクリーニングの重要なゴールであるところの健康アウトカム(*死亡や疾病発生のこと)が記述されていないことである。
 SDHの自動的なスクリーニングが、現在Medicaid safety netで大規模におこなわれている.8 2420 患者の70%がスクリーニングされた。376患者の86%で、カルテに入れ込まれているSDHスクリーニングで多職種チーム対応が必要とされ、 行われた。今後の研究では、電子カルテなどを使ってどのようにこれを実行可能な形にしていくかである。もう1つの障害である患者側の受け入れについては、なぜこのようなスクリーニングや紹介が必要なのかの啓発が必要である。9

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Article Information
Corresponding Author: Karina W. Davidson, PhD, MASc, Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, Northwell Health, 130 E 59th St, Ste 14C New York, NY 10022 (kdavidson2@northwell.edu).
Published Online: August 29, 2019. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.10915
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Davidson is a member of the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). No other disclosures were reported.
Funding/Support: This work was supported by grant R01LM012836 from the National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this Viewpoint are those of the authors and do not represent the views of the USPSTF, National Institutes of Health, the United States Department of Health and Human Services, or any other government entity.
Additional Contributions: We gratefully acknowledge helpful comments on a previous draft by Nakela Cook, MD, MPH (National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute). Dr Cook received no compensation for her contribution.
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PPI(Proton Pump Inhibitor )の長期間の使用と好ましくないアウトカムの関連について


 2006 Dec 27;296(24):2947-53.

Long-term proton pump inhibitor therapy and risk of hip fracture.

There were 13,556 hip fracture cases and 135,386 controls. The adjusted odds ratio (AOR) for hip fracture associated with more than 1 year of PPI therapy was 1.44 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.30-1.59). The risk of hip fracture was significantly increased among patients prescribed long-term high-dose PPIs (AOR, 2.65; 95% CI, 1.80-3.90; P<.001). The strength of the association increased with increasing duration of PPI therapy (AOR for 1 year, 1.22 [95% CI, 1.15-1.30]; 2 years, 1.41 [95% CI, 1.28-1.56]; 3 years, 1.54 [95% CI, 1.37-1.73]; and 4 years, 1.59 [95% CI, 1.39-1.80]; P<.001 for all comparisons).

Use of proton pump inhibitors and risk of hip fracture in relation to dietary and lifestyle factors: a prospective cohort study

BMJ 2012344 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.e372 (Published 31 January 2012)Cite this as: BMJ 2012;344:e372Results During 565 786 person years of follow-up, we documented 893 incident hip fractures. The absolute risk of hip fracture among regular users of PPIs was 2.02 events per 1000 person years, compared with 1.51 events per 1000 person years among non-users. Compared with non-users, the risk of hip fracture among women who regularly used PPIs for at least two years was 35% higher (age adjusted hazard ratio 1.35 (95% confidence interval 1.13 to 1.62)), with longer use associated with increasing risk (Ptrend<0.01). Adjustment for risk factors, including body mass index, physical activity, and intake of calcium did not materially alter this association (hazard ratio 1.36 (1.13 to 1.63)). These associations were also not changed after accounting for reasons for PPI use. The relation between PPI use and fracture differed by smoking history (Pinteraction=0.03). Among current and former smokers, PPI use was associated with greater than 50% increase in risk of fracture, with a multivariate hazard ratio for fracture of 1.51 (1.20 to 1.91). In contrast, among women who never smoked there was no association (multivariate hazard ratio 1.06 (0.77 to 1.46)). In a meta-analysis of these results with 10 prior studies, the pooled odds ratio of hip fracture associated with PPI use was 1.30 (1.25 to 1.36).

Lewis JR, Barre D, Zhu K.et.al. Long-term proton pump inhibitor therapy and falls and fractures in elderly women: a prospective cohort study. J Bone Miner Res. 2014;29(11):2489-97. 

Targownik LE, Leslie WD, Davison KS,et.al. The relationship between proton pump inhibitor use and longitudinal change in bone mineral density: a population-based study [corrected] from the Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study (CaMos). Am J Gastroenterol. 2012;107(9):1361-9. 

 2010 May 10;170(9):765-71. doi: 10.1001/archinternmed.2010.94.

Proton pump inhibitor use, hip fracture, and change in bone mineral density in postmenopausal women: results from the Women's Health Initiative.


During 1 005 126 person-years of follow-up, 1500 hip fractures, 4881 forearm or wrist fractures, 2315 clinical spine fractures, and 21 247 total fractures occurred. The multivariate-adjusted hazard ratios for current PPI use were 1.00 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.71-1.40) for hip fracture, 1.47 (95% CI, 1.18-1.82) for clinical spine fracture, 1.26 (95% CI, 1.05-1.51) for forearm or wrist fracture, and 1.25 (95% CI, 1.15-1.36) for total fractures. The BMD measurements did not vary between PPI users and nonusers at baseline. Use of PPIs was associated with only a marginal effect on 3-year BMD change at the hip (P = .05) but not at other sites.


Use of PPIs was not associated with hip fractures but was modestly associated with clinical spine, forearm or wrist, and total fractures.



In multiple data sources, we found gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) patients exposed to PPIs to have a 1.16 fold increased association (95% CI 1.09–1.24) with myocardial infarction (MI). Survival analysis in a prospective cohort found a two-fold (HR = 2.00; 95% CI 1.07–3.78; P = 0.031) increase in association with cardiovascular mortality. We found that this association exists regardless of clopidogrel use. We also found that H2 blockers, an alternate treatment for GERD, were not associated with increased cardiovascular risk; had they been in place, such pharmacovigilance algorithms could have flagged this risk as early as the year 2000.
 2016 Oct;27(10):3153-3163. Epub 2016 Apr 14.

Proton Pump Inhibitors and Risk of Incident CKD and Progression to ESRD.

 In adjusted Cox survival models, the PPI group, compared with the H2 blockers group, had an increased risk of incident eGFR<60 ml/min per 1.73 m2 and of incident CKD (hazard ratio [HR], 1.22; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 1.18 to 1.26; and HR, 1.28; 95% CI, 1.23 to 1.34, respectively). Patients treated with PPI also had a significantly elevated risk of doubling of serum creatinine level (HR, 1.53; 95% CI, 1.42 to 1.65), of eGFR decline >30% (HR, 1.32; 95% CI, 1.28 to 1.37), and of ESRD (HR, 1.96; 95% CI, 1.21 to 3.18). Furthermore, we detected a graded association between duration of PPI exposure and risk of renal outcomes among those exposed to PPI for 31-90, 91-180, 181-360, and 361-720 days compared with those exposed for ≤30 days. Examination of risk of renal outcomes in 1:1 propensity score-matched cohorts of patients taking H2 blockers versus patients taking PPI and patients taking PPI versus controls yielded consistent results. Our results suggest that PPI exposure associates with increased risk of incident CKD, CKD progression, and ESRD.

After adjusting for potential confounders, a current prescription for statins was associated with a significant reduction in the risk of pneumonia (adjusted OR 0.78, 95% CI 0.65-0.94). Similarly, a current prescription for ACEI was associated with a reduction in the risk of pneumonia (adjusted OR 0.75, 95% CI 0.65-0.86). Contrary to previous study results we did not find a significant association between current prescription for histamine 2 receptor antagonist (H(2)RA) and pneumonia risk (adjusted OR 1.14, 95% CI 0.92-1.40) but current prescriptions for proton pump inhibitors (PPI) were associated with an increased risk of pneumonia (adjusted OR 1.55, 95% CI 1.38-1.77).

 2015 Jun 4;10(6):e0128004. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0128004. eCollection 2015.

Risk of community-acquired pneumonia with outpatient proton-pump inhibitor therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Systematic review of 33 studies was performed, of which 26 studies were included in the meta-analysis. These 26 studies included 226,769 cases of CAP among 6,351,656 participants. We observed a pooled risk of CAP with ambulatory PPI therapy of 1.49 (95% CI 1.16, 1.92; I2 99.2%). This risk was increased during the first month of therapy (OR 2.10; 95% CI 1.39, 3.16), regardless of PPI dose or patient age. PPI therapy also increased risk for hospitalization for CAP (OR 1.61; 95% CI: 1.12, 2.31).


Outpatient PPI use is associated with a 1.5-fold increased risk of CAP, with the highest risk within the first 30 days after initiation of therapy. Providers should be aware of this risk when considering PPI use, especially in cases where alternative regimens may be available or the benefits of PPI use are uncertain.

 2018 Jan;67(1):28-35. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2017-314605. Epub 2017 Oct 31.

Long-term proton pump inhibitors and risk of gastric cancer development after treatment for Helicobacter pylori: a population-based study.


Among the 63 397 eligible subjects, 153 (0.24%) developed GC during a median follow-up of 7.6 years. PPIs use was associated with an increased GC risk (HR 2.44, 95% CI 1.42 to 4.20), while H2RA was not (HR 0.72, 95% CI 0.48 to 1.07). The risk increased with duration of PPIs use (HR 5.04, 95% CI 1.23 to 20.61; 6.65, 95% CI 1.62 to 27.26 and 8.34, 95% CI 2.02 to 34.41 for ≥1 year, ≥2 years and ≥3 years, respectively). The adjusted absolute risk difference for PPIs versus non-PPIs use was 4.29 excess GC (95% CI 1.25 to 9.54) per 10 000 person-years.


Long-term use of PPIs was still associated with an increased GC risk in subjects even after HP 
 2019 Mar 12. doi: 10.1002/cpt.1430. [Epub ahead of print]

Does Long-Term Proton Pump Inhibitor Use Increase Risk of Dementia? Not Really! Results of the Group-Based Trajectory Analysis.

Huang ST1, Tseng LY2,3,4, Chen LK2,3,4, Peng LN2,3,4, Hsiao FY1,5,6.
A group-based trajectory modeling was used to identify distinct groups with regard to longitudinal PPI use over 3 years and to further examine the association between the trajectories of PPI use and dementia in a 5-year follow-up. Among 10,533 older adults who initiated PPIs, three distinct trajectories of longitudinal PPI use were identified: short-term (n = 7,406, 70.3%), intermittent (n = 1,528, 14.5%), and long-term users (n = 1,599, 15.2%). Long-term (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.99 (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.93-1.17)) and intermittent PPI users (HR = 0.91 (95% CI, 0.76-1.09)) were not associated with an increased risk of incident dementia compared with short-term users. Regardless of pattern of use, PPIs did not appear to significantly increase the risk of dementia over a mean follow-up period of 4 years.

Proton Pump Inhibitor and Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonist Use and Iron Deficiency

 2017 Mar;152(4):821-829.e1. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2016.11.023. Epub 2016 Nov 24.

Proton Pump Inhibitor and Histamine-2 Receptor Antagonist Use and Iron Deficiency.



Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine-2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) suppress gastric acid production, which can inhibit iron absorption. However, few data exist regarding whether these medications increase the risk of clinical iron deficiency.


A community-based case-control study evaluated the association between acid-suppressing medication use and the subsequent risk of iron deficiency. It contrasted 77,046 patients with new iron deficiency diagnoses (January 1999-December 2013), with 389,314 controls. Medication exposures, outcomes, and potential confounders used electronic databases. We excluded patients with pre-existing risk factors for iron deficiency. Associations were estimated using conditional logistic regression.


Among cases, 2343 (3.0%) received a prior ≥2-year supply of PPIs and 1063 (1.4%) received H2RAs (without PPI use). Among controls, 3354 (0.9%) received a prior ≥2-year supply of PPIs and 2247 (0.6%) H2RAs. Both ≥2 years of PPIs (adjusted odds ratio, 2.49; 95% confidence interval, 2.35-2.64) and ≥2 years of H2RAs (odds ratio, 1.58; 95% CI, 1.46-1.71) were associated with an increased subsequent risk for iron deficiency. Among PPI users, the associations were stronger for higher daily doses (>1.5 vs <0.75 PPI pills/d; P value interaction = .004) and decreased after medication discontinuation (P-trend < .001). Some of the strongest associations were among persons taking >1.5 pills per day for at least 10 years (odds ratio, 4.27; 95% CI, 2.53-7.21). No similar strong associations were found for other commonly used prescription medications.


Among patients without known risk factors for iron deficiency, gastric acid inhibitor use for ≥2 years was associated with an increased subsequent risk of iron deficiency. The risk increased with increasing potency of acid inhibition and decreased after medication discontinuation.


Estimates of all cause mortality and cause specific mortality associated with proton pump inhibitors among US veterans: cohort study

BMJ 2019365 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l1580 (Published 30 May 2019)Cite this as: BMJ 2019;365:l1580


Objective To estimate all cause mortality and cause specific mortality among patients taking proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).
Design Longitudinal observational cohort study.
Setting US Department of Veterans Affairs.
Participants New users of PPIs (n=157 625) or H2 blockers (n=56 842).
Main outcome measures All cause mortality and cause specific mortality associated with taking PPIs (values reported as number of attributable deaths per 1000 patients taking PPIs).
Results There were 45.20 excess deaths (95% confidence interval 28.20 to 61.40) per 1000 patients taking PPIs. Circulatory system diseases (number of attributable deaths per 1000 patients taking PPIs 17.47, 95% confidence interval 5.47 to 28.80), neoplasms (12.94, 1.24 to 24.28), infectious and parasitic diseases (4.20, 1.57 to 7.02), and genitourinary system diseases (6.25, 3.22 to 9.24) were associated with taking PPIs. There was a graded relation between cumulative duration of PPI exposure and the risk of all cause mortality and death due to circulatory system diseases, neoplasms, and genitourinary system diseases. Analyses of subcauses of death suggested that taking PPIs was associated with an excess mortality due to cardiovascular disease (15.48, 5.02 to 25.19) and chronic kidney disease (4.19, 1.56 to 6.58). Among patients without documented indication for acid suppression drugs (n=116 377), taking PPIs was associated with an excess mortality due to cardiovascular disease (22.91, 11.89 to 33.57), chronic kidney disease (4.74, 1.53 to 8.05), and upper gastrointestinal cancer (3.12, 0.91 to 5.44). Formal interaction analyses suggested that the risk of death due to these subcauses was not modified by a history of cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, or upper gastrointestinal cancer. Taking PPIs was not associated with an excess burden of transportation related mortality and death due to peptic ulcer disease (as negative outcome controls).
Conclusions Taking PPIs is associated with a small excess of cause specific mortality including death due to cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, and upper gastrointestinal cancer. The burden was also observed in patients without an indication for PPI use. Heightened vigilance in the use of PPI may be warranted.